Saturday 12 January 2013

20121209 - 3 months later - First cutting - Tulsi growing step by step

I have to apologize to all the Tulsi growers checking out this blog for not posting for some time.

Too many things happening in my life ;) (good things of course).

So lets get back to writing. Here it is, after about 3 months our Tulsi has grown so big we can make the first cutting and offering to Krsna.

As you can see before you make a first cutting Tulsi should have at least three fully developed pair of leaves.

Cut just above a pair of leaves being careful not to damage the new shoots coming just above the stem of leaves.

To cut the tip of new leaves you need sharp scissors. Best ones are the scissors used for embroidery found in most supermarkets in Australia for around $5.

These are best because they are really sharp and pointy so you can be precise in cutting and give her a least amount of pain possible.

When picking Tulasi leaves, chant the following mantra:
tulasy amrta janmasi
sada tvam kesava-priya
kesavartham cinomi tvam
varada bhava sobhane
"O Tulasi, you were born from nectar. You are always very dear to Lord Kesava. Now, in order to worship Lord Kesava, I am collecting your leaves and manjaris. Please bestow your benediction on me."

After you have finished you need to chant the following Mantra:
 cayanodbhava-duhkham ca
yad hrdi tava vartate
tat ksamasva jagan-matah
vrndi-devi namo 'stu te
"O Tulasi devi, I offer my respectful ofeisances unto you. Kindly forgive me if I have caused you pain my picking your leaves and manjaris, o mother of the universe."

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