Friday, 31 August 2012

My qualifications and reasons for starting this post

I have none of the formal qualifications if that is what you are looking for.

All I have is one Tulsi plant given to us by our friend about 5 years ago and along with that 5 years of daily service to our beloved Tulsi, growing her at our home.

Now, this may seem like nothing but the reason for starting this blog is the fact that most of the devotees in the temple I visit have troubles growing Tulsi at home, sometimes asking me for advice and the temple caretaker always tells me our Tulsi is the most beautiful she has seen at devotees growing her at home.

Growing Tulsi at home requires your love for her, a bit of attention each day, few details you need to know and few duties you need to grow a habit of performing to allow her to be healthy which I will try to describe step by step in this blog.

I've learnt serving Krishna's devotee is a best way of making progress in spiritual life and here she is, one of the dearest devotees of Krishna, standing in front of every altar in Krishna temples, being offered to Krishna with every meal, waiting for you to serve her and take care of her daily.

Would you attempt offering her this service? Say YES and just DO IT.

Now, please don't think this is complicated. Keep following my blog and soon you will be having a beautiful Tulsi growing happily in your home and with her your spiritual life will be advanced.

To end this post here is a small blessing: May Lord Krishna bless you with wisdom, patience and regular service that will help you grow Tulsi and along with her grow in your spiritual life up to new dimensions (these two come together ;))

My humble offering

I offer this service of starting a blog to our beautiful Tulsi Devi, who is the most merciful benefactor in our spiritual life.
May she use me as her tool to inspire all of you reading this blog to serve her with utmost care and love and may she bless all of us with her continuous presence and blessings throughout our spiritual journeys.