Saturday 12 January 2013

20121209 - 3 months later - First transplanting - Tulsi growing step by step

Few weeks before first cutting I've notices our Tulsi has lost first few leaves from the bottom and I was wandering why.

I think I found the reason when I replenished some of the soil on top of our fully grown Tulsi with seeding mix soil.

What happened is that she suddenly stopped diving shoots, many leaves changed color into yellowish and started falling off.

I was thinking could I have over-watered her but it suddenly dawned on my that was the only thing out of the ordinary.

The seeding mix must have too much fertilizers in it and it just burned her same like it happens to us if we have too much chillies and don't take yogurt drink after.

She recovered after few weeks but that occurrence gave me the idea it might be the same thing happening to small Tulsis.

To test this I have transplanted two of Tulsi's and left one in the same soil I've planted her.

After about a month I noticed that Tulsi's that are transplanted grow faster than the one left in the seeding mix (couple of centimeters taller) so I've transplanted her today and she will soon catch up with the others.


Here are the pictures of the transplanting process:

Water the Tulsi the evening before or at least couple of hours before transplanting.

Gently turn her upside down holding her body between your fingers not to let her fall down and get her injured.

Let the soil gently crumble away from her roots. Do not force it. the soil attached to her roots should not be moved and her roots should not be damaged. If you gently roll the soil in your hand always holding the stem of her body the excess soil will fall away.


When you finish only the last little bit of soil around the roots should be left and you then simply place her in the same pot adding fresh organic soil mix around her roots holding her at desired height in the pot.

At the end you need to water her to the point of run off and replenish some more soil to the top as the soil tends to fall in after watering.

When you finish she should be looking same as before but with fresh soil around her roots helping her grow stronger and greener.

Sri Tulsi Devi Ki Jaya!

1 comment:

  1. Hare krishna, you probably barely remember me but i had asked for advice on helping my basically dead tulasi plant, well i had forgot about telling you but on November 15 2013 my Rama tulasi plant had left her body! :( BUT!!! i still had a small krishna tulsi baby...but now it is about 6'' and has 8 fully grown sets of leaves and 4 at the top that have baby leaves even coming out of the stem. i have doubts about where to cut tulsi. i am thinking about counting the new shoott of leaves and cutting on top of the third one? please tell me what to do!
