Wednesday, 19 September 2012

20120919 - 2 weeks later - Tulsi growing step by step

Here is our little beauty!

As you can see she is about 1 cm tall at the moment.

Early this morning I've placed her on a light spot as at dawn it was looking like it's gonna be a cloudy day.

She is behind the white curtains so partly protected from the direct sunlight.

As you can clearly see she leans towards the sun and this is the reason I wrote about need to turn her around at least 1/3 of a full circle.

What I'll do is turn her 1/2 of full turn so she will face sun with her back tomorrow (looking from her current position).
This will get her to lean to the oposite side and hopefully get her stem straight and I'll keep doing it day after day.

In case she doesn't get her stem straight I'll move her away of direct sunlight as that is how we kept her so far and she was growing straight up.

Keep closing the small windows on the top of the greenhouse during night and opening them in the morning in case your house is getting cold during night.

The temperature should never go below 15 degrees Celsius as this is critical for her survival.

IMPORTANT: If you are exposing her to direct sunlight please shade her with a curtain and turn her around every day as she grows fast and could keep her side leaned position permanently if you forget!

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